What is Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana?

Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana
Sāvitrī Sādhana, Pañcakośa Sādhana—this is none other than Kuṇḍalinī Awakening Sādhana. In Vedantic terminology, this is referred to as Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana (subtle refinement practice) and Pañcīkaraṇa Sādhana (the process of fivefold integration).

The very Gurudeva who prescribed Gāyatrī Sādhana for me also instructed me to undertake Sāvitrī Sādhana.

Through this practice, the dormant divine energies within me, as well as in other latent Deva-Manavas (godly beings in human form), were awakened. As a result, I came to perceive the true nature of reality and was compelled to engage in collective spiritual upliftment and universal well-being through self-transcendence and higher spiritual progress.

(Page-3, Kuṇḍalinī Mahāvijñāna)
Paṇḍita Śrīrāmaśarma Ācārya
Shāntikuñj, Haridwar

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