Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana – 06

Unforeseen Changes in the Global Landscape

Today, as the world prepares for a Third World War, the primary cause lies in the governing tendencies of certain dominant groups. Debating when this began is of little use, but understanding what is happening now is crucial. Powerful groups have sought to bring the world under their control, exploiting the weaker sections of society. This, in essence, is the structure of governance that has persisted with slight variations from ancient times until today.

When Japan surrendered after the detonation of two atomic bombs, the ruling powers grew emboldened, further reinforcing this method of governance. This system of control is a poisonous tree—as long as it is nurtured, wars will continue to erupt. The heightened concern today arises because nuclear weapons pose an unparalleled threat of widespread destruction. Even if nuclear war is averted, conflicts will persist through other means, as long as the powerful continue to exploit the weak.

It is this exploitation that has shaped today’s national borders. If not for this, geographical features and logistical needs would have dictated national divisions, and more advanced societies would have taken the responsibility to uplift the weaker ones. Historically, capable individuals have always been fewer in number, while the less capable have been the majority. Thus, the duty of guidance and resolution has always fallen upon the few enlightened ones. However, in today’s world, does such a sense of responsibility exist?

Instead of uplifting others, a handful of intelligent, resourceful, and politically powerful individuals have seized territories, claiming them as their own. This is nothing but a return to jungle law, where might determines right. The division of modern nations, with a few groups asserting dominance over vast territories, is the root cause of countless conflicts today.

Exploitation Breeds Conflict

Even if nuclear weapons are never deployed, as long as the strong exploit the weak, war remains inevitable. The more power one possesses, the greater their tendency to intimidate and control those beneath them. In such conditions, ambitious leaders rise, waiting for the right opportunity to seize control. This causes splintering within organizations and political entities.

A parallel can be drawn with feudal times, when kings and warlords seized power based on the size of their armies. Today, the mechanisms may have changed, but the underlying reality remains the same. Modern warfare is often masked behind ideological justifications, but in the end, the principle remains unchanged: a powerful class seeks to control others.

Since these divisions have existed for thousands of years, people have grown accustomed to them, perceiving them as natural. Whoever seizes power appears to be the rightful ruler, but if we examine the situation from an ethical standpoint, a different picture emerges.

The Injustice of Unequal Ownership

Where on this Earth are resources truly distributed equally among all people? Do the privileged ever willingly reduce their comforts to uplift the underprivileged? If fairness prevailed, why would class-based struggles and territorial disputes exist?

If Earth belongs to all, its resources should be shared collectively. The division of nations should have been based on geography and logistical necessity, not power dynamics. Yet, powerful nations hoard resources, claiming ownership of mineral wealth, oil reserves, and fertile lands, leaving others in deprivation.

For example, Middle Eastern oil is controlled by a select few nations, despite the Earth itself belonging to all humanity. Vast, unutilized lands exist in Africa and the Americas, while densely populated countries like India and China struggle with resource shortages. If the world truly functioned as one global family, land and wealth would be fairly distributed, eliminating territorial disputes.

Instead, small groups monopolize natural wealth, creating systems of inequality that fuel global tensions. The greatest flaw of an unjust world order is that the powerful devour the weak. As long as this mindset persists, conflicts—big or small—will continue to erupt.

Divine Intervention and the Reversal of Conflict

As discussed earlier, divine forces attempt to bring warring parties to reconciliation. However, today, both sides are shouting, “Advance with caution!”, making diplomacy nearly impossible. Those who wish to protect their existence must now use wisdom and voluntarily step back, preventing an escalation of conflict.

Beyond War – The Global Transformation

I prophesy with certainty: A Third World War will be prevented. Nuclear weapons, including ICBMs, will not be used. But does this mean war itself will end? Not necessarily. True war is not just military—it is economic, political, and ideological. As long as national boundaries remain as they are, various forms of conflicts will persist. If war is averted today, it will reappear in new forms tomorrow.

But this time, solutions will not come in fragments—they will emerge all at once. Not only will nuclear war be prevented, but the very structures of power and national divisions will disintegrate.

The global map, as we see it today, will no longer exist. Borders that have long dictated power dynamics will dissolve, giving way to a new world order—a unified planetary state. This transformation is not mere speculation; it is an inevitability.

The Formation of a Global State

At first, this may seem impossible.

  • Why would America relinquish its territories?
  • Why would Russia loosen its grip on its allied states?
  • Why would China allow its regions to be reclassified?
  • Why would oil-rich nations share their wealth with the world?

Certainly, no nation will willingly accept such a transformation. Yet, historical changes never occur by consent alone.

Looking at past decades, we see radical shifts in political, economic, and geographic landscapes. If people from past centuries were told about the present-day world order, they would have dismissed it as impossible. Similarly, when Napoleon rose to power, no one could have predicted how Europe would transform under his rule.

The End of War and the Birth of a Unified World

This time, war will be permanently prevented. The era of nuclear weapons and chemical warfare will come to an end, not through divine intervention, but through human intelligence itself.

However, ending war is not enoughthe existing power structures that sustain inequality must also collapse. In the future, national borders will become irrelevant.

The dream of “One World, One Nation” will finally be realized—not as an ideology, but as a reality. This will mark the emergence of a true global civilization where humanity functions as a single entity, governed by a common framework of justice and cooperation.

A New Era of Global Responsibility

Today, the majority of humanity is underprivileged, while the elite few hoard wealth and knowledge. Those with power must recognize their duty, not as rulers, but as caretakers of humanity. The age-old practice of exploiting the weak must be abandoned in favor of a system where the strong uplift the weak, as a family does for its members.

The Unfolding of Divine Will

Divine interventions are often dismissed as mere coincidences. Just as a sudden storm can arise from an unseen force, the shift toward a unified world will happen unexpectedly.

War, territorial disputes, and economic disparities must no longer be about which group gains more power, but about how humanity can collectively prosper. Instead of endlessly entangling ourselves in conflicts, we must step back and take long-term decisions for global harmony.

The Ultimate Solution: One World, One Nation

In the past, solutions were devised piece by piece—one war was prevented, another broke out. This time, all issues must be addressed simultaneously.

Human beings cannot be permanently divided by race, nationality, or wealth. If the Earth itself belongs to all, then so should its resources.

The world is on the verge of a radical transformation, where its political, economic, and geographic structures will be completely redefined. In the process, an entirely new vision for humanity will emerge—a world without borders, without conflicts, and without division.

This vision is no longer a distant dream—it is the next step in human evolution.

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