Transformation in Political and Economic Systems
Today, the governing system (śāsanatāntra) holds supreme authority. It deserves appreciation for its progress and must also take responsibility for the negative tendencies that have emerged. During an era of transformation, political structures and governance models must be completely restructured.
The End of War and the Need for a New Vision
Those who hold political power and those interested in governance will soon witness major shifts in global currents. The wise must prepare themselves accordingly. The first and foremost resolution must be to renounce war as a means of conflict resolution.
Whatever direction humanity chooses, the path to peace will inevitably be found. War must be recognized as nothing less than a collective suicide attempt. Justice and fairness need not be enforced through war alone—many alternative strategies will soon emerge, and we must be prepared to embrace them.
The second major challenge in politics is territorial nationalism. It is time to move beyond narrow patriotism and embrace the vision of “One World, One Nation.” Rather than questioning, “Where will my country stand in this new order?”, the focus should be on who will govern and how many will be responsible for leadership. The selection of leadership must be based on merit, not populism.
The Transformation of Democratic Systems
Today’s costly electoral process must undergo fundamental reforms. Only individuals with wisdom, integrity, and a sense of responsibility should enter governance.
- Voting rights should be limited to those who are truly capable of making informed decisions.
- Leadership positions should not be won through financial expenditure on elections; instead, governments or public institutions should organize and fund the electoral process.
- Political parties should be eliminated, and a single governing body should be responsible for legislative and executive functions.
- Candidates should not only pass academic exams but must be tested for intelligence, ethical integrity, and leadership skills.
Such political reforms will soon take root, facilitated by higher divine consciousness. Human thought will naturally evolve in this direction. Visionaries in politics and economics will introduce new and profound ideas to reshape governance.
Economic Reformation: Shifting the Paradigm
Beyond politics, economics is the second major domain of change.
Currently, economic systems prioritize profit maximization over societal well-being. Even when regulations exist, they are often ineffective. The exploitation of human desires for commercial gain has become the norm, and neither governments nor individuals have been able to stop it.
- Mass media, art, literature, and cinema are largely designed to manipulate human emotions for profit.
- The production of intoxicants and addictive substances is justified as a “fundamental right” of individuals.
- In the future, only industries that benefit society will be allowed.
- All essential commodities will be produced at the local level, through cooperative and small-scale industries.
- Large-scale industries will be limited to goods that cannot be produced in small units.
Decentralization of Production and Self-Sufficiency
The import of finished goods will drastically reduce. Eventually, every nation will become self-sufficient, importing only raw materials when necessary. Industrial decentralization will resolve several issues:
- Reducing urban congestion
- Boosting employment in rural areas
- Eliminating monopolistic control of industries
Industries focused solely on maximizing profits will either adapt or collapse. Large businesses must prepare for this shift before it is too late. Those who resist will find themselves unable to withstand the economic transformation.
Ethical Wealth Distribution and Economic Justice
The current economic model allows a small elite to accumulate immense wealth, while the majority struggles for basic needs. This inequality must end.
- The responsibility of providing essential services (such as education and healthcare) should shift from individuals to the state.
- Earnings beyond a reasonable threshold should be regulated.
- Society must establish a collective economic system where wealth is shared fairly among all.
- The right to accumulate unlimited wealth will no longer exist.
Under this system, individuals will contribute to society based on their abilities, and in return, their essential needs will be met by the collective. This eliminates financial crime, addiction, and unethical practices. True economic reform requires controlling financial freedoms that encourage corruption and inequality.
Towards a Unified Global Economy
Currently, multiple economic models exist across the world. However, in the future, only one system will prevail—a global cooperative economy. This system resembles the extended family model (bṛhat-parivāra vyavasthā), where all earnings are pooled and distributed equitably.
In the coming decades:
- National borders will lose significance.
- Resources will be shared among all, rather than hoarded by a few.
- Every person will contribute to the global economic pool and receive according to their needs.
This is not a utopian dream—it is an inevitability.
The Timeline for Change
This transformation is part of the Yuga-Sandhi (era of transition), which will fully unfold over the next sixteen years. The old systems will gradually dissolve, while new structures will emerge. The intelligent will foresee this change and adapt in time, avoiding unnecessary suffering.
Those who resist and cling to outdated models will struggle to cope. The era of economic and political confusion is coming to an end.
The Greatest Transformation in Human History
The last 300 years have witnessed unprecedented scientific, economic, and political changes. If a person from three centuries ago were to suddenly step into today’s world, they would be astonished. The emergence of trains, cars, airplanes, telephones, televisions, and electricity has transformed daily life in ways unimaginable to past generations.
Yet, the next twenty years will bring even more astonishing changes.
- If people document their current thoughts, desires, and expectations, and compare them to the world twenty years from now, they will struggle to recognize the world they once knew.
- Those who fail to anticipate change will lose their material wealth and mental stability.
- Those who prepare and adapt will thrive in the new world order.
The Inevitable Economic and Political Earthquake
Looking at the trajectory of transformation, the coming changes are not merely evolutionary, but revolutionary. The next two decades will be the most dramatic in human history.
- National borders will dissolve.
- The world will operate as a single, unified entity.
- Economic systems will shift towards collective ownership and equitable wealth distribution.
- Political governance will be based on intelligence, integrity, and responsibility rather than populism.
This is not speculation—it is the future. The world must prepare for an era of unprecedented unity, fairness, and shared prosperity.