Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Tapas-Sādhana – 01

  1. “Only through the confluence of the three—individual, family, and society—can the holistic realization of Truth (Satya), Auspiciousness (Shiva), and Beauty (Sundara) be achieved.”
  2. “The awakening of the subtle body (Sūkṣmaśarīra) facilitates the process of exchange between the manifest and the unmanifest worlds.”
  3. “A seeker who gains control over the five dimensions of consciousness—Annamaya (physical body), Prāṇamaya (vital energy), Manomaya (mind), Vijñānamaya (higher intellect), and Ānandamaya (bliss)—ascends to the rank of divine beings (Deva-Puruṣa).”
  4. “It is the subtle body (Sūkṣmaśarīra) that serves as the cause behind periodic cosmic events, sudden transformations, and the evolving nature of future circumstances.”
  5. “Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana (subtle refinement practice) is, in essence, a direct perception of the higher dimensions of the unseen world. Through its continuous immersion, one engages in an exalted process that benefits the vast collective consciousness of the universe.”

Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana
Sāvitrī Sādhana, Pañcakośa Sādhana—this is none other than Kuṇḍalinī Awakening Sādhana. In Vedantic terminology, this is referred to as Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana (subtle refinement practice) and Pañcīkaraṇa Sādhana (the process of fivefold integration).

The very Gurudeva who prescribed Gāyatrī Sādhana for me also instructed me to undertake Sāvitrī Sādhana.

Through this practice, the dormant divine energies within me, as well as in other latent Deva-Manavas (godly beings in human form), were awakened. As a result, I came to perceive the true nature of reality and was compelled to engage in collective spiritual upliftment and universal well-being through self-transcendence and higher spiritual progress.

(Page-3, Kuṇḍalinī Mahāvijñāna)
Paṇḍita Śrīrāmaśarma Ācārya
Shāntikuñj, Haridwar

Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana (Subtle Refinement Practice)

“My personal connection exists with a vast institution in the invisible realm. If I were to reveal how, when, and in what manner it operates, people would understand what kind of actions they must undertake in light of the great transformations that lie ahead.”

“In true spirituality, there is no such thing as loss in investment. Whatever is offered is returned a thousandfold. The acquisition of spiritual wealth alone gives meaning to life. I encourage and inspire all my dear ones with this advice. Even if they do not maintain direct contact with me, whether they choose to acknowledge me or my advice, they must still integrate spiritual evolution into their way of life. In doing so, they will never suffer any loss; rather, they will gain immensely.”

“…However, the subtle body expands three thousand two hundred and twenty-five times in magnitude, increasing its capacity and becoming extraordinarily powerful.”

“Henceforth, without being bound by nation, race, gender, religion, or language, I will apply my capabilities wherever, whenever, and in whatever manner they are required.”

“Until the year 2000 AD, only the naïve will assume that I have passed away. Even though my physical form will no longer be visible for consultations or direct interactions, I will continue to carry out my designated responsibilities with even greater zeal and diligence—remember this well, O wise ones!”

The Divine Plan for Global Transformation

“The Divine is an amalgamation of numerous divine forces, just as multiple waves constitute the ocean. In this era, where unrighteousness is at its peak, a grand assembly of divine forces has descended onto the field of action. I am merely a part of this collective.”

“Not only will nuclear warfare be averted, but the geopolitical boundaries that have been drawn by various factions and politicians according to their power will also dissolve. The current world map, as it appears today, will no longer exist. A new ‘World Nation’ will be established, with the necessary legislative, industrial, and transportation structures arranged accordingly.”

“One of the primary causes of societal corruption today is the unrestricted accumulation and expenditure of wealth. Law enforcement, military forces, and judicial systems alone are insufficient to curb these degenerative tendencies. There must be a strict control over financial autonomy. The forthcoming economic order will be structured accordingly.”

A Historical and Spiritual Perspective on Transformation

In this era, even the gods are awaiting a grand, unprecedented transformation in world history. What, then, should humanity await? What must individuals do to prepare for this transformation? This is the central purpose of this book.

The first step in this process is turning one’s awareness inward. Modern individuals scarcely know even a tenth of their own true nature. They must repeatedly explore their inner depths and recognize the divine energy center within them—an ever-present witness to all activities in the cosmos, providing direction and insight (Kuṭastha Caitanya – the Immutable Consciousness). From this center, they must reshape their entire being so that it responds only to divine directives.

Once they have firmly established themselves in this divine center, they must extend this awareness outward, touching the corresponding divine core within every living being and every particle of existence. Through this, they will apply subtle influence (sūkṣma prabhāva) to initiate transformation in others.

Many years ago, Śrī Aurobindo wrote of a yogi in the Himalayas who had a spiritual vision during his deep samādhi—a vision of Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. Shortly thereafter, this very vision manifested in the French Revolution in Europe. Thought currents, the power of thought, and spiritual consciousness are not myths.

Ideas are powerful. Spiritual truths, when translated into thought-forms, are even more powerful. If subtle refinement practices (sūkṣmīkaraṇa sādhana) are performed at various spiritual centers across the world, the transformation from the animalistic human (Narapashu) to the divine human (Deva-Manava) can be greatly accelerated.

The Spiritual Foundation of India’s Destiny

Many intellectuals and great souls have envisioned India’s divine destiny in an extraordinary manner. The first phase of this journey was political independence, beginning in 1857 with the symbolic bread and lotus uprising.

By 1905, through the intense spiritual force of Śrī Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Vivekananda, and Yogi Aurobindo, the freedom struggle gained momentum. This movement eventually culminated in India’s independence on August 15, 1947—a date that also marks Śrī Aurobindo’s birth anniversary, an event that is no mere coincidence.

However, political freedom was only partial. The grand vision of the sages involves the formation of an integrated, undivided India, leading to the global victory of divine civilization and India’s ascension as the spiritual leader of the world (Jagadguru Peetha).

The subtle refinement process (sūkṣmīkaraṇa sādhana) initiated by revered Gurudeva in 1984 is aimed at transmitting this vision to spiritually determined individuals and collectives. This process is also referred to as “Paṅcavīrabhadra Sādhana”, a term historically associated with Kuntī Devī’s spiritual efforts in preparing the warriors of the Mahābhārata war.

Even today, this unique practice of sūkṣmīkaraṇa sādhana is being carried out for the reconstruction of a new Mahābhārata, a grand resurgence of divine civilization.

Those who truly seek to understand the scientific basis of spirituality and learn how to harness its power will find this book to be a beacon of light—a guide that opens their vision to a greater reality.

Message (Sandēśamu)

On the spiritual birth anniversary of Paramapūjya GurudevaVasant Panchami, 13 Ashwamedha Yajñas have been successfully completed. The first 10 Ashwamedha Yajñas, which initiated this movement, are progressing forward, and by the Ardha Purnāhuti (Half Completion Ceremony), 24 Ashwamedha Yajñas will have been conducted across India and the world. By the Brahma Muhurta of the 21st century, 108 Ashwamedha Yajñas and Samskāra Mahotsavas (Grand Cultural Celebrations) will have been successfully concluded. This will make it evident how crucial this global spiritual battle is for the destruction of demonic forces.

In the editorial section of Kundalinī Kendra’s Mutual Cooperation, it has been explicitly stated that the historical transition period of this Yuga Sandhi is intensifying the spiritual transformation process. The awakening of the Mahākundalinī of the Divine Power of the Nation (Rāṣṭra Devātmaśakti) is one of the manifestations of this endeavor. There is no individual ambition behind this. It is solely for the purpose of Yuga Parivartana (Epochal Transformation). These subtle spiritual undertakings are materializing into visible action to awaken talented individuals, empower them with immense inner strength, and elevate them from an ordinary level to an extraordinary one.

The Spiritual Significance of Ashwamedha Yajñas

The Ashwamedha Yajñas, being conducted on a global scale, are unique experiments aimed at awakening the Medhā (Intelligence) and the Jñānamaya Kosha (Wisdom-Sheath). In the 21st century, for India to reach its highest potential, and for Indian culture—Divine Culture—to emerge as the Universal Culture, exceptional individuals are needed. Such talented and visionary individuals are part of Prajñā Pariwār (The Enlightened Community). This spiritual family is like a precious necklace, where each gem has been carefully sought out and strung together into a strong and radiant thread.

The tapasya (spiritual austerity) undertaken by Paramapūjya Gurudeva has been utilized in the most precise direction to identify and channelize these individuals. Just as in the Tretā Yuga, Sage Vishwāmitra initiated grand spiritual efforts for the destruction of unrighteousness and the establishment of Satya Yuga (The Age of Truth), today, the Guru-Tattva (Guru Consciousness) in Subtle Form has initiated the Sūkṣmīkaraṇa Sādhana (Subtle Refinement Practice) in 1984, which by Gayatri Jayanti in 1990 was successfully completed, merging Paramapūjya Gurudeva’s physical form into the subtle realm.

For the past three years, devotees have witnessed its impact. The Guru’s subtle presence is actively working to spread the influence of divine culture across the world and to stimulate an inclination towards noble tendencies in human minds.

The Subtle Process of Global Transformation

Paramapūjya Gurudeva himself wrote:
“The results of my five years of intense sādhanā from 1985 to 1990 would take at least fifty years for an ordinary aspirant to accomplish. Neither the time nor the courage to undertake such an effort is available to most people. Moreover, the current time is an era of emergency (āpattikāla).”

The Kundalinī Awakening that has taken place at a global level will gradually expand, and numerous individuals will absorb the blessings I am bestowing and benefit from them. To assimilate this high-energy transmission, devotees must undertake daily meditation practice from one hour before sunrise to one hour after sunrise, with at least 15 minutes of focused practice. During this time, one must meditate on the radiant brilliance of Savitā (the Sun) and chant the Gayatri Mantra internally while visualizing prana (life energy) being absorbed through every pore of the body.

This sādhanā is indispensable for inner strength and spiritual awakening. Various energy-concentrating practices, Bhūmipūjā ceremonies, Sanskar Mahotsavas, and Ashwamedha Yajñas derive their tapas-shakti (spiritual force) from the Guru’s ongoing subtle austerities. These spiritual transformations are occurring continuously at the spiritual epicenter in the Himalayas.

In the coming years, as the divine culture’s victorious march progresses step by step, awakened, enlightened individuals will enter the field of action. Through their highly awakened Brahmavarchas (Divine Radiance), the two fundamental objectives of Yuga Transformation will be fulfilled:

  1. The widespread proliferation of noble virtues (Satpravṛtti Sanvardhana).
  2. The elimination of negative tendencies (Duṣpravṛtti Nirmūlana).

The Global Impact of Ashwamedha Yajñas

The Ashwamedha Yajñas are unleashing spiritual cyclones (tornadoes) that are dynamically altering the subtle environmental streams. These shifts are gradually shaping the thought currents and value systems of the entire world. The Ardha Purnāhuti (Half Completion) will take place in November 1995, by which time the changes in the world will become distinctly recognizable as the outcome of the Ashwamedha’s spiritual force.

At present, chaotic and unrighteous forces are sweeping away everything in their path, but soon, ethical and virtuous individuals will regain the world’s trust. Even covert atheists (those who disguise themselves as devotees today) will turn into true believers upon realizing the scientific and rational nature of Dharma (Righteousness).

The greatest intellectuals from among us will emerge as world leaders, and in the next eight years, India’s culture will establish its complete spiritual dominance over the world. Those who fail to recognize this timely transformation will repent later. Those who simply engage in debates over the scientific and scriptural validity of Ashwamedha Yajñas, instead of taking action, will realize their mistake too late.

The Call for Dedicated Visionaries

Every year, Vasant Parva (Vasant Panchami) delivers a new message. It determines who has dedicated themselves wholeheartedly to the Guru’s resolutions and who has earnestly pursued the ideals laid out. The one who dedicates their intelligence, time, and efforts toward the reconstruction of the nation and the world will emerge as a true leader.

From 2001 to 2005, Paramapūjya Gurudeva’s subtle consciousness will remain highly active among us. After that, his causal form (Kāraṇa Sattā) will take over. The necessary disciplines and training required to prepare for this transition must begin today.

Therefore, let lethargy not touch us. Let us, on this Vasant Parva, take a solemn vow to work toward this sacred mission with enthusiasm and dedication.

Prajñā Abhiyān – February 18, 1994

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