Why Guru is important in Sadhana by — Mahāmahopādhyāya Paṇḍita Gopīnātha Kavirāja

The method of Sādhana (spiritual practice) is known only through the Guru (spiritual teacher). Describing the method of any sādhana in scriptures only leads to misuse and malpractice, because a sādhaka (practitioner) cannot correctly understand the process merely by reading about it in texts. It is only through a Guru that one can truly comprehend it.

This is the reason why I have not described the methods of sādhana in my texts.

In the Bhagavad Gītā, Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa has stated:

“Apāne guhati prāṇaṃ prāṇāpāna-samānayoḥ”

(One should merge Apāna Vāyu into Prāṇa Vāyu, and Prāṇa Vāyu into Apāna Vāyu).

Can anyone truly understand this process without the guidance of a Guru?

Mahāmahopādhyāya Paṇḍita Gopīnātha Kavirāja

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