Gāyatrī Mahāvijñāna -23
Essential Rules for Practitioners
Below are some essential guidelines for those practicing Gāyatrī sādhana:
- Purification of the Body: One should begin the practice after purifying the body. Generally, this is done by bathing, but in case of any compulsion, unfavorable weather conditions, or illness, washing the face, hands, and feet or wiping the body with a damp cloth can suffice.
- Minimal Clothing: The practitioner should wear minimal clothing during sādhana. If the weather is cold, instead of wearing tight clothes, one should use a blanket or shawl for warmth.
- Choosing a Suitable Place: The place for sādhana should be secluded, open, and well-ventilated, with a peaceful atmosphere. Fields, gardens, riverbanks, temples, or similar locations are ideal. If such places are unavailable, a clean and quiet corner of the house can be chosen.
- Wearing Clean Clothes: It is advisable to wear washed and clean clothes before sādhana.
- Seated Posture: One should sit cross-legged (Pālathi posture) in a simple and comfortable position. Difficult āsanas (postures) should be avoided, as they may cause discomfort and distraction.
- Keeping the Spine Straight: The spine should always remain straight. Sitting with a bent back disrupts the natural flow of prāṇa in the suṣumnā nāḍī, which can hinder spiritual progress.
- Use of an Āsana (Seat): One should never sit directly on the ground while practicing sādhana. This prevents spiritual energy (śārīrik vidyut) from dissipating into the earth. The best seats are kusha grass mats, followed by cotton mats, woolen mats, or reed mats. Animal skin or leather mats are generally used in Tāntrika rituals.
- Choice of Mala (Rosary Beads): The mala used should be made of tulsi or sandalwood. Rudrākṣa, red sandalwood, and conch beads are used for Tāntrika Gāyatrī practices.
- Timings for Japa: Japa can be started two hours before sunrise and should be completed within an hour after sunset. Evening japa should be concluded within an hour after sunset. Nighttime sādhana should be avoided, except for Tāntrika practices, which are performed around midnight.
- Four Key Factors for Successful Sādhana:
- (a) Concentration: The mind should be focused and not wander. If it does, one should meditate on the divine image of the Mother.
- (b) Faith and Devotion: One must have unwavering faith and devotion towards the Divine Mother. Doubtful or skeptical individuals do not receive full benefits.
- (c) Persistence: The practitioner should remain steadfast, despite obstacles such as boredom, lack of enthusiasm, delayed results, illness, or worldly difficulties.
- (d) Continuity: Regularity in practice is essential. Even in unavoidable situations, one must find a way to engage in some form of Gāyatrī worship, even while walking or lying down.
- Minimum Japa Count: At least one mala (108 repetitions) of mantra should be chanted daily. More repetitions yield greater benefits.
- Guidance of a Qualified Guru: A competent and virtuous Guru should be chosen to guide one’s sādhana, just as a doctor is required for proper medical treatment.
- Direction of Seating: During morning sādhana, one should face the east; during evening practice, one should face the west. Facing towards light (sun) is ideal.
- Alternatives for Flowers in Worship: If flowers are unavailable, one may use grated coconut shavings or unbroken rice grains dyed with natural colors like saffron, turmeric, or henna.
- Changing Postures: Sitting in one position for long can cause discomfort. It is acceptable to change the sitting posture when needed.
- Interruptions During Sādhana: If one needs to attend to nature’s call or any urgent matter during sādhana, one must wash hands and face with clean water before resuming and chant one extra mala as atonement.
- Compensation for Missed Sādhana: If a day of practice is missed due to unavoidable circumstances, the following day, one extra mala should be chanted as penance.
- Observing Sūtak (Impurity due to Birth or Death): During impurity periods (Sūtak) caused by birth or death in the family, formal japa using a mala should be paused, but mental japa can continue. If this occurs during a 100,000 Japa anushṭhāna, the counting can be paused and resumed later, with 1,000 extra chants to purify the disruption.
- Sādhana During Travel or Illness: If traveling, unwell, or attending to a seriously ill person, where ritual cleanliness is difficult, mental japa may be performed while lying down or walking.
- Sattvic Lifestyle: Practitioners should follow a pure, simple, and sattvic diet, avoiding spicy, fried, stale, decomposed, meat-based, intoxicating, unethical, or impure food.
- Disciplined Lifestyle: The practitioner should avoid late-night awakenings, excessive daytime sleep, indulgence in entertainment, slander, quarrels, immoral activities, jealousy, cruelty, laziness, intoxication, and excessive attachment.
- Celibacy (Brahmacharya): While celibacy is always beneficial, it is especially important during a 40-day anushṭhāna.
- Special Rules for Intensive Sādhana (Anushṭhāna):
- Avoid cutting hair (except beard, which may be trimmed by hand).
- Avoid sleeping on a bed; sleep on a mat or wooden plank.
- Avoid leather shoes; wear wooden sandals (khaḍāu) instead.
- Restrict diet to one meal and one fruit-based meal per day.
- Minimize physical contact with others.
- Japa in Public: In public places, the mala should be kept covered or used within a gomukhī (cloth bag).
- Disposal of Worship Materials: Leftover offerings such as rice, flowers, incense, sacred ash, should be disposed of in sacred places like rivers, temples, or fields, not carelessly discarded.
- Difference Between Vedic and Tāntrika Practices: The practices described in this book follow the Vedic (right-hand path) method, which does not require complex rituals like shāpa-mocana (curse removal), kavacha (protective shields), kīlaka, argalā, mudrā, aṅga-nyāsa—these belong to Tāntrika traditions.
- Eligibility for Gāyatrī Sādhana: Traditionally, Brāhmaṇas, Kṣatriyas, and Vaiśyas (the three Dvija castes) were entitled to it. However, one’s conduct, karma, and inner nature determine eligibility more than birth-based caste. Doubts on eligibility can be clarified by consulting Shāntikuñj, Haridwar.
- Japa Volume: Mantra chanting should be audible yet discreet, ensuring that even a nearby person cannot hear the mantra distinctly.
- Confidentiality of Sādhana: Sādhana methods should not be widely discussed, as others might criticize or misinterpret them. One should trust their Guru and avoid doubts.
- Fearlessness in Gāyatrī Worship: Unlike some mantras, which require strict adherence to rules, Gāyatrī is highly forgiving. Errors do not cause harm, ensuring it remains accessible to all.
- Spreading Awareness: Practitioners should encourage others to practice Gāyatrī Sādhana rather than keeping it to themselves.
- Seeking Guidance: Any doubts can be resolved by consulting Shāntikuñj, Haridwar.
- Proper Handling of Mala: The Sumēru bead should never be crossed. After completing one round, the mala should be reversed for the next round.
Gāyatrī Mahāvijñāna -23 Read More »